A network analyzer is a tool that gives network administrators real-time analysis of the network. It can be installed on a computer or it could also be a standalone node on the network. Depending on the financial constraints, a company could either buy one or rent it from a network analyser rental company.
The analyzer can tell the administrator exactly what is going on the network, however complex the network infrastructure of a company is. This analysis will include any BYODs (Bring Your Own Devices) like laptops, tablets and smartphones as well as all other network segments that might be remotely located. The analysis will showcase the bandwidth usage, network activity and any unusual traffic.
The network administrator can use this tool for comprehensive date packet inspection. This will guide the administrator in establishing if there is any suspicious data packet activity on the network. The analyzer can also be used as a supplement firewall or antivirus software since it can filter out some unwanted traffic from the network.
A network analyzer is clearly a must have for any organization wishing to properly manage its network. Even though the analyzer is quite costly to purchase, you actually don't have to buy one - you can conveniently rent one from a network analyser rental company. You will spend less money in renting and you will also not incur losses whenever you need to upgrade the analyzer. All you will do is return the old network analyzer and rent a new one.