Testo 440 Humidity & Temperature meter, with calculated channels and logging. Calculating channels include absolute humidity, wet bulb temperature and dew point. 7,500 point logging capacity for spot readings and/or automated reading at intervals from 1s to 60s. Thermocouple input. USB interface, cable and downloading data into Excel. The probe can be used in dusty atmospheres, at high air velocity and under mechanical stress: for example, for measurements in industrial exhaust air (during drying processes) and climatic test cabinets.
* Supplied with 0636 9775 Probe
* 12mm diameter, 270mm long, designed for high temperature readings
* Temperature range: -20° to 180°C, Resolution: 0.1°C, Accuracy ±0.4°C (0.1 to +50 otherwise ±0.5°C)
* Humidity range: 0 to 100% RH, Resolution: 0.1% RH, Accuracy: ±2% RH (2.1 to 98%, otherwise ±3%)
* Battery Operated